Monday, June 29, 2009


Facts...and Valid Questions Based On Facts

If one argues that Earth's overall average climate is getting warmer or cooler, one has a 50% chance of being right.

The chance that Earth's climate will change (“climate change”) with or without humans, SUV's, or air conditioning, is almost 100% -- the Earth's climate has never stayed the same [!]

If we could “take steps” to raise or lower average temperature, what would be the correct temperature to strive for (given that changes of temperature of many degrees up and down have occurred throughout Earth's history).

Is it better for Holland and New Orleans to remain above water (they're actually already below sea level), or for vast areas of Siberia and Greenland etc. to become open to farming?

How could attempts to moderate average Earth temperature be coordinated with the natural events that have a proven correlation with climate change (i.e. Solar activity).

Why are the ice caps on Mars melting and can politicians pass legislation to stop such melting?

Why would any sane person seek to destroy the most dynamic economy in human history (the U.S.'s) in the hopes of altering Earth's temperature a fraction of a degree over the next several decades, all based on bogus theories, “computer models,” and self interested socialist demagogues' hopes to finally steal what is not theirs – the fruits of a free economy?

Why is virtually every outspoken “climate change” alarmist considerably wealthy (i.e. Al Gore's income has risen dramatically since he began milking the “Global Warming” cash cow). And why the excessive use of air travel by such hypocrites -- often private jets?

Why are climate change bureaucrats always flying to distant meetings and often staying in luxury hotels (i.e. Bali / $500.00 per night rooms)?

Lastly, how can people be so stupid to be so easily sucked into another socialist con scheme?

For those who may have not yet seen this good overview of the nonsense, please watch “The Great Global Warming Swindle.” It's among many sources that take issue with the nonsense regularly pushed off upon the public as a “science” of doom “unless we act now” to increase government authority over the economy.

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